These design examples do go back a bit in time to when we bought music physcially, however I feel the design and layout are still very relevant and I’m also very proud of the work I did with what was then called Demon Records. Below are music catalogues and POS for the music mail order part of the company what was called Blackmail. I also had some design input on the album covers pictured below, specifically Nick Lowe album Dig My Mood and The Men They Couldn’t Hang – Majestic Grill.

The last cover supplement which had a refresh to the cover design typography

Virgin Records Sponsored Music Supplement

Nick Lowe cover featuring his then new album release – Dig My Mood

Jeff Buckley featured front cover

Inside pages example of mail order catalogue

A5 folded leaflet spanning career of Elvis Costello

The Men They Couldn’t Hang Album Release leaflet front & back

Marc Bolan music mail order leaflet

Brinsley Schwarz music mail order leaflet